Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Big City Livin!

So things are changing so fast it is making me nauseous. In the past two weeks I have considered a move to the city, talked with my cousin about possible job opportunities, and now I might even have an interview! This is terrifying! I am still in the process of convincing AF to move with me. He seems to be on board but wants to make sure he has a job too...which is understandable. So now I am looking for a framing job too. Plus he can't move until he sells his house. So perhaps JE will let me crash on her couch for a bit if need be. ;)

JE and I could be like Sex and the City! Fabulous business women, with fashionable outfits, and amazing social lives. Perfect.


P.s. Can you imagine having a job title such as: Assistant Media Executive? Cool!

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